
The Local Authority are responsible for the school's arrangements for admissions and admission appeals. Please click on the links below for further information about admissions to school.

Dudley MBC School Admissions - Parent portal.

Tours and Virtual Tour

If you are interested in sending your child to Glynne, each month we offer parent tours - please contact school to book a place and we will be delighted to show you around. We have also compiled a video to give you an idea of what we have to offer. To view the video click here

Nursery Admissions

If you are interested in a Nursery place you are welcome to put your child's name on our waiting list from the age of two. Places will be offered in accordance with the LA Policy for Nursery Admissions in the September after the child's third birthday.

We currently have 30 morning places and 30 afternoon places which are offered in 5 sessions of 3 hours from Monday to Friday. For eligible children, it may be possible to accommodate children classed as a 'rising three year old' should places be available. To put your child's name down for a nursery place please contact the school office.

For the Admissions Policy for Nursery from the local authority please follow the link below and scroll down the page to locate Nursery admissions information.

Please follow the link below for further information

Changing Schools Mid-Year

In year school admissions are co-ordinated by Dudley Local Authority. If you would like to apply for a school place,  please contact Dudley School Admissions for an application form on 0300 555 2345 further information is available at admissions/changing-schools/

Secondary Admissions

Applications for Secondary admissions are made via Secondary schools local to Glynne Primary are:

Summerhill School

The Wordsley School

The Kingswinford School

The Crestwood School