
The Governing Body


The Full Governing Body meet formally once a term.

Committees are determined annually at the Autumn Governors meeting.

All Governors attend School Improvement Committee.

Governors may be contacted via the School Office.


Committees below meet once or twice termly:

Other committees are formed and meet as and when required:

Pupil Discipline Committee    

Staff Discipline/Dismissal Committee

Appeals Committee

Complaints Committee

Pay Committee

Term of Office Finance and General Purposes Personnel (Staffing and Pay) School Improvement
Miss Tracey Powell Headteacher * * *
Mr John Warrington (Chair) Co-opted Governor 03/04/22-02/04/26 * * *
Miss Jane Lancaster (Vice Chair) Co-opted Governor 03/04/22-02/04/26 * *
Rev. Lyn Rowson Co-opted Governor 28/03/23-27/03/27 * *
Mr Richard Mason Co-opted Governor 07/12/21-06/12/25 * *
Mrs Sally Slater Co-opted Governor 01/09/23-31/08/27 * *
Mrs Ann Kimbley Co-opted Governor 21/10/23-20/10/27 * *
Miss Helen Knowles Co-opted Governor 26/11/23-25/11/27 * *
Mrs Michelle Hammond Co-opted Governor 17/10/23-16/10/27 * *
Vacant Parent Governor * *
Vacant Parent Governor * *
Mrs Hayley Gordon Staff Governor 31/01/24-30/01/28 * *
Cllr Peter Miller LA Governor 19/10/20-18/10/24 * *
Mrs Verity Bullock Associate Governor October 2024 * *

Co-opted Governors are elected and appointed by the Governing Body.

Parent Governors are elected by parents and appointed by the Governing Body.

Staff Governors are elected by staff and appointed by the Governing Body.


To view the register of Business Interests of our Governors, click below